You link to us. We'll link to you

GlassFacts.Info is visited hundreds of times each day. In fact, since I launched this site on January 1, 2005 there have been 121,398 visits. I'd like to send some of that traffic your way.

All you need to do is ask and put this link on your own home page:


In return, we'll put your site into random rotation on our home page (and add you to our link page) with a banner like this:

Please support the glass arts and visit:

Searfire Glassworks

We'd love to link to your site for free.  Details...

You can browse all of our links here.

That's it. This offer is open to any glass artist or glass art related business.

Just follow these two steps to particpate:

  1. Copy the following code and add to your home page
  2. Send me an email at
  3. and make sure to include the following:
    • Your name
    • Your studio/business name
    • Your website address
    • Your email address

Once I have verfied the link on your home page I'll add you to the link database and send you an email letting you know.

Questions? Please email me at

- Paul


GL'S Hot-GLASS Link Exchange